Revenue Loss Recovery Overview

Revenue Loss Recovery Overview

EMR/EHR Auditing: Anomaly Detection and Correction
Automatically book patients to your CRM and calendar without lifting a finger.
Expensive Errors Found in 2% to 14% of Appointments
Our AI finds errors and allows your staff to correct them. Result: immediately more revenue and happier patients.
AI Tracks Logistical and Clinical Workflows for Errors
Volume and complexity of EMR data makes manual auditing almost impossible. We use Data Science to improve your practice every day.
Reduces Liability and Shrinkage
Detects visits without charting and billable visits with no records.
Product Features
- Continuous EMR Auditing
- Automated daily, monthly, and weekly anomaly reports
- Ability to detect un-billed visits, missed no-shows, uncharted visits, appointments not completed
- Per-incident actionable information in each report
- Tools to alleviate anomalies and efficiently correct errors.
- And More…

Product Overview
Operational errors inevitably occur in medical practices with high volumes of patients. Manual processes, inconsistent training, and staff changes all contribute to errors. Operational errors cost you money and increase liability. Daily EMR audits (continuous auditing) with reports sent to all responsible parties are the best way to reduce losses and AR age and improve patient satisfaction.
Analog Informatics provides an AI-based service to perform continuous EMR Auditing that generates anomaly reports on appointment workflows from patient logistics. Although there is research in clinical auditing, Analog Informatics focuses on continuous patient logistical auditing.
Incorrectly Entered Appointments are very hard to find in the EMR. Billing services can ONLY bill for Encounters that have been entered. Improperly completed appointments, such as failing to note cancellations and no-shows, cause missed opportunities to recapture no-show patients.