Analog Informatics® Corporation

Customer Engagement Model

When we say "Your Success is Our Passion™"  we back it up with: Comprehensive Onboarding Services, Education, and Support Systems. 

Attract, Connect, Engage

Customer Engagement Model

This timeline is a high-level overview of the steps taken in a typical customer roll-out.  Please refer to the formal deliverables document (requires customer/partner logon credentials) that provides a comprehensive guide with milestones for both partners and customers.  Because we are all dealing with PHI and unique practices, there are required client sign-offs in the formal deployment process.  Customers do have access to the administrative interface of this product and can extensively customize the messaging and the behavior of the service. 

Reach an Agreement on Implementation Timing with Customer

Obtain EMR Integration Credentials

Education on Technology and Best Practices of Modern Patient Engagement

Build Per-Location Amenity Sites

Cleanup EMR Data and Supplement Provider/Location Data

Resolve Online Reputation Site Ownership and Current State

Start Silent Deployment

Go-Live in One, then all Offices

Active Monitoring and Rapid Response to Anomalies

Regular Reports (daily, weekly, monthly) on ROI and Success

Get More Patients

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