Analog Informatics® Corporation

Modern and Complete Appointment Reminder System

Doctor appointment reminder note circled on calendar. Stethoscope.

Solution Features

  • Fully automate scheduling and rescheduling
  • Fully automate re-engagement with cancellations and no-shows
  • Generating calendar files
  • Automated appointment reminders 
  • Automated appointment confirmations
  • And More…

Overview - Appointments and Reminders driven by AI

Our AI-driven solution removes all of the manual steps needed to send out appointment reminders and get confirmations back. We constantly harvest your EMR’s data to build and update appointment lists, and our AI understands appointment changes. When the AI sees a difference in your scheduled appointments within the EMR, it updates appointment messaging workflows automatically.

To eliminate the daily manual steps your staff normally does, AI determines the best phone numbers, email addresses, and modes of communication. Staff can confirm and modify the AI’s decisions if desired. Templates and rules for delivery are editable by the practice.

Key Takeaways

  • Existing appointment reminder systems are highly manual, serve a single patient, and have limited functionality and customization.
  • Using AI connected to your EMR, we deliver a modern patient engagement for appointment reminders with little to no labor by your staff.
  • Simple model: create and edit your appointments in the EMR. AI technology takes care of the reminders and confirmations automatically.
  • Much less work than your existing solution. An excellent experience for your patients.
  • An excellent experience for patients = great reviews on social media and review sites + more new patients

Want More Information?

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