Quickly Improving Medical Practice Online Reputation Scores
In an era where online platforms heavily influence consumer decisions, a practice’s reputation on platforms like Google and Yelp can significantly impact its success

In this article, we will share effective strategies and technologies to enhance the volume and character of your practice’s reputation scores on Google and Yelp. These methods will allow practices to foster trust, attract more patients, and demonstrate your commitment to quality healthcare.
Getting the Current State of Your Reputation
We operate an automated web crawler that scans Google, Yelp, and most other healthcare websites for your reviews and those of your competitors. Our site also tracks reviews by score, allowing you to see and respond to daily comments.
You can track improvements daily as you implement your modern patient engagement and reputation management program. Later in this paper, you can see how we track your results and the ROI of your program.

Part 1 – Improve Patient Engagement
Before Asking for a Review

Patient Engagement Expectations
The modern curated experience requires automated real-time pushed communication and facility resources available to patients, caregivers, families, and guests.
Our AI-generated welcome messages provide pre-visit facility familiarization, which redirects the patient and 3rd parties to a customizable per-facility amenity page. Everything for patients and guests is provided electronically.
Amenities like parking, links to Uber/Lyft, food, pharmacies, and other local merchants by distance are easy to find and get to via their mobile phones.
You can track improvements daily as you implement your modern patient engagement and reputation management program. Later in this paper, you can see how we track your results and the ROI of your program.
Automated Logistics Communication to Patients and Guests
Our AI engine continuously harvests your EMR data to create logistic communication updates for all phases of the patient journey: appointment booking, confirmation, arrival, departure, pathology completion status, electronic pre/post-op care plans, post-discharge wellness checks, visit thank you, birthdays, requests for public reviews, automatic re-engagement for no-shows and cancellations to get them back on your office calendar.

Editable Templates
We have created 43 editable workflow templates driven from the EMR based on appointments, encounters, and service orders. Fail-safes throughout the code check for reasonableness and try to achieve an optimal communication volume to not fatigue message recipients.
Information is pushed out via Email, SMS/MMS, and voice communication at the appropriate time and contextually relevant for each audience.
Part 2 – Obtaining 5-Star Reviews

After Delivering a Caring Experience, Ask for a Review
After an appointment or stay has been completed, automatic workflows request a review from the patient and all authorized parties in hospital communication workflows.
The review request directs all parties to a personalized page that allows each person to select a charity of their choice where a donation will be made for their review.
Patient Selects a Charity Before Leaving Review

After selecting a charity, the page directs them to a page where they can do a Google, Yelp, or other reviews in one click.
If the patient or third party does not submit a review, they are sent periodic reminder messages to complete the review.
To keep track of your reputation scores for multiple facilities, we have a reputation crawler service that reports on daily/weekly/monthly/yearly reports of reputation vs. peers.
Revenue Improvement and Earned Media
Our portal maintains statistics of reputation review requests, trips to the personalized donation page, and actual clicks that land consumers on the Google or Yelp page for the facility. We calculate opening the review/donation landing page at $50 per visit and $200 for each completed Google or Yelp click, which is generally a 5-star review.
In our testing with a regional ambulatory dermatologist practice with 20+ offices, we saw over $160K in monthly earned reviews and about 30% of patients clicking the reviews link in the review message. Practitioners commented about their surprise at seeing multiple 5-star reviews on the first deployment day when there had been none for months. Other comments included a surprise in patients’ same-day rescheduling of no-show appointments due to quick reminders and grateful responses from patients receiving automated thank you and wellness checks.

Partnership with Pledge to Improve Healthcare Reputation Response Rates
Analog Informatics Corporation has partnered with Pledge (Pledge.to) to incentivize reputation posting by developing technology that donates to the charity of the patient’s choice.
This extra incentive has produced excellent click-thru rates on our deployments. The donation process by the practice also provides practice marketing opportunities (“In the last quarter we donated $ xxx dollars to the following charities from your reviews…”) to patients in follow-up communication.
Using AI to improve healthcare reputation and patient satisfaction by delivering a concierge experience to every patient and their family is now a reality.
This technology reduces the workload of existing staff and improves profitability by bringing in patients seeking a high-quality personalized experience that others have vetted.
Our technology delivers a continuous stream of 5-star reviews and creates patients and guests who are enthusiastic ambassadors of your facilities and brand.