Reputation Management

Better Patient Engagement Leads to More 5-Star Google Reviews
Today online reputation platforms like Google Reviews and Yelp Reviews heavily influence consumer healthcare decisions about the quality of medical practices.
Consumers will search for providers with 5-star reviews to decide which medical provider to use. They will also seek out those who provide a personalized experience unique to them and their circumstances. Personalization of the healthcare experience for each patient (and guests) delivered to their mobile phones is what modern consumers demand.
The authenticity of Google Reviews cannot be faked to deceive today’s consumers. Ideally, a medical practice will generate a steady stream of 5-star reviews with an occasional one or 2-star review. Reviews should be authentic and personal, reflecting the style of the practice. Companies that claim they can generate fake reviews for cash don’t work, and the practice may be banned from Google for attempting this scam.
Exceptional Online Reviews Require Exceptional Service Delivery to Patients and Guests
Generating a steady stream of 5-star reviews requires delivering an exceptional experience to every consumer. Keeping your quality to the 5-star level is very difficult, given labor turnover, training, and the hectic nature of modern medicine. Today’s AI technology provides a scalable solution to relieve your staff’s burdens and keep delivery quality consistently high.
How and Why AI Improves The Patient and Guest Healthcare Experience
To achieve a high-quality experience for each patient and guest, you must continuously monitor the EMR for relevant changes in patient data. Using clinical workflows and AI to extract high-confidence EMR events, we have replaced humans in most patient and guest care logistics update communication processes.
The motivation to create an AI-driven ideal patient and guest experience came from our own experiences using healthcare providers and seeing their lack of time and resources to keep us informed proactively. As we dug into the problem of poor communication practices, we saw that healthcare economics make it almost impossible to dedicate human staff to keep everybody continuously in the loop for a patient.
We did discover concierge medicine and the VIP donor experience, but something new was needed for most patients. Using AI. Data Science and real-time EMR data combined with years of field testing and clinical input created a system that creates the patient and guest experience we wanted when we first began. Not surprisingly, it easily generates abundant authentic 5-Star Reviews daily.
Using AI technology from Analog Informatics, we turn your patients and their guests into advocates for your practice. This happens because our AI creates the perfect communication experience for each patient and guest. AI automates most staff-to-patient communication, releasing them for direct patient care.
Generation Shifts in Preferred Healthcare Communication Modes
Seniors (>65) prefer traditional communication methods such as phone calls and paper. We have found that for many seniors, the only form of communication is landlines (hardwired phones). Younger people prefer Email, SMS/MMS, and other faster, automated communication forms.
Our AI delivers all messages to consumers via SMS/MMS and Emails on their mobile devices. We generate synthesized voice calls (landlines) for older patients to provide reminders and updates. Medical staff can deliver paper care plans, and/or systems can deliver them to mobile devices and PCs.
AI informs caregivers, family, and friends about the patient’s journey and strictly follows HIPAA rules. As HIPAA regulations require, patients must opt-in themselves, caregivers, family, and friends.
Using AI technology, we deliver the ideal communication experience to every consumer, regardless of age.

Getting the Current State of Your Online Reputation
What is the first step in the thousand-mile journey to reputation nirvana? Answer: First, you must determine the existing online reputation against competitors.
Analog Informatic’s search engine extracts Google, Yelp, and other online reviews. This data provides a daily snapshot of scores and specific patient experiences. A real-time dashboard shows new reviews, scores, and sentiment volume.
The search engine reports daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly scores compared to other practices.
As our modern patient engagement system works, you will see progressive improvements in the volume and percentages of positive reviews. Results can check on-demand by logging on to our administrators portal.

Part 1 – Improve Patient Engagement Before Asking for a Review Achieving Modern Patient Engagement Expectations
Google and Yelp Fake Reviews – Don’t Even Try It
Potential patients check public patient reviews and scrutinize both positive and negative reviews. If all reviews are positive reviews, consumers will know something is wrong. Attempts to proxy reviews to guarantee only positive reviews have led to legal problems.
The age of reviews is essential. Consumers assume that recent reviews will reflect their expected upcoming experience.
Steady volumes of reviews are a sign of authentic online reviews. Consumers are savvy to fake reviews, and Google has gotten wise to bursts of reviews from the middle of nowhere. The only way to rank for reputation is to get a steady flow of honest patient reviews.

The Modern Patient Engagement Model Yields 5-Star Reviews
We have extended the requirements of Modern Patient Engagement to include a fully curated online experience for every patient and their authorized guests delivered to every device and communication channel.
The best clinical outcomes and long-term results come from continuously engaging the patient and their care network of people that care for them. Care plans must also be delivered on paper and to devices such as cell phones where scheduled tasks can be alerted to every person responsible for care. We deliver electronic care plans to everybody responsible for care.
Analog Informatics creates the modern experience by using AI to connect to the EMR and then follow appointment and clinical workflows. The AI follows the EMR and regularly sends appropriate messages to patients and their guests. These messages keep them informed on logistics and services they will find helpful.
The AI curates the healthcare experience and provides a patient concierge that anticipates needs in real-time. The AI engagement model covers pre-appointment, pre-op, post-op, wellness checks, and care plans.
Pre-visit AI-generated welcome messages redirect patients and 3rd parties to a per-facility amenity webpage for their exclusive use. Information provided: parking, Uber/Lyft, food, pharmacies, and local merchants by distance.

Free Nurses From Incoming Phone Calls + Deliver a Consistent Patient and Guest Experience
Analog Informatics harvests EMR data to create logistic communication updates for all phases of the patient journey. Its objective: completely offload manual communication tasks from the practice.
In a typical hospital nurse’s station, the nurses often answer external phone calls regarding patient status and logistics. Our technology proactively provides much of this information to everyone authorized by patients. Analog Informatics technology frees nurses to care for patients rather than answering phones.
Inconsistent patient and guest experiences with nurses and other front desk staff lead to poor reputation scores from the frustration of waiting. Automating communication workflows leads to better review scores and a more consistent patient and guest experience.
We have created over 43 editable workflow templates driven from EMR data on appointments, encounters, and service orders. Fail-safes throughout the code optimize communication volume to not fatigue message recipients.

Part 2 – Obtaining Earned 5-Star Reviews

After Delivering a Caring Experience, Ask for an Online Review
When patients finish their appointment or stay, they and their guests get a “request for an online review” from the practice via Email and SMS/MMS. This simple step of “asking for the review” is frequently missed by providers in the hope that patients will do it out of appreciation.
Because patients and their guests may be distracted or not have the time to complete the requested review, we periodically remind them. The practice controls the reminder interval.
The system keeps track of the last completed review to minimize survey fatigue. We do not ask for new reviews more often than the time specified by the practice (usually six months).
Legally and Ethically Incentivizing Reviews
You cannot legally or ethically pay for reviews nor provide anything of material value for a review. However, we have partnered with a charity distribution platform to donate to a charity of the patient’s choice in return for only the intent to do so. There is no obligation to complete or give a positive review in our system. The practice provides a monthly pool of money (the size is up to the practice) to be used for charity donations, and the tax deduction for the donations goes to the practice.
Patients love giving to charity, especially since the platform provides a list of over 20,000 501C3 charities to pick from.

The request for review sends them to a page where they can choose a charity. The charity will get a donation for each review for the practice. Pick a charity, then click to leave a review on Google, Yelp, or other sites. The AI will send periodic reminders to Patients and their guests when they fail to submit requested online reviews.
Pick a charity, then click to leave a review on Google, Yelp, or other sites. The AI will send periodic reminders to Patients and their guests when they fail to submit requested online reviews.
Part 3 – Revenue Improvement and Earned Media

The objectives of this technology are more than just getting reviews for the sake of getting them. Each 5-Star review represents a patient or guest who will act as your brand ambassador and will spread the word about how good their experience was with your practice. In other words, 5-Star reviews lead to more referrals.
We, therefore, deliver lower labor costs, happier patients and guests, and more revenue via referrals. But, to prove this assertion, we need facts and numbers to prove it.
Our website tracks three metrics. The first is how often people ask for reviews. The second is how often people visit the donation page. The third is how often people click links to the facility’s Google or Yelp page.
Value of Earned Media from 5-Star Reviews
New 5-star reviews have an earned media value, just as Google PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and Impressions (AdSense) have a value. The calculated running total of earned media is visible at all times.
We have made the following conservative estimates of 5-Star earned media: $50 for visiting the review/donation page and $200 for a 5-star review on Google or Yelp.
Earned Media Value Delivered
You cannot legally or ethically pay for reviews nor provide anything of material value for a review. However, we have partnered with a charity distribution platform to donate to a charity of the patient’s choice in return for only the intent to do so. There is no obligation to complete or give a positive review in our system. The practice provides a monthly pool of money (the size is up to the practice) to be used for charity donations, and the tax deduction for the donations goes to the practice.

Part 4 – Resources
Here are links to additional articles and other resources on our site.
AI can now provide a concierge experience to patients and their families, improving healthcare reputation and satisfaction.
This technology assists staff in reducing their workload. It also increases their income by drawing in patients who desire a positive, tailored experience endorsed by others. The technology can be implemented in days with most EMRs that conform to the HL7 FHIR specification. You can expect to see a positive ROI within one week of implementation.
Please feel free to contact us for more information. Your success is our passion.